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Defending the Blogger’s Rights

Defending the Blogger’s Rights

Bloggers are the educated, experienced people who want to voice their views and opinions on different topics and they express these in their blog posts. They are the ones who write about topic which may be of personal interest or pertaining to their professional field. A blogger may sometimes face legal risks or challenges. There have been instances where people who blog have faced legal issues. In order to provide legal guidance to those who blog the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has launched support for the tights of bloggers.

The bloggers sometimes publish information or content which may not be liked or welcomed, considered to be derogatory or offensive by certain people. Just like the journalists they also face legal issues. However, a journalist has all his rights pronounced clearly and he also has access to various legal resources. A blogger usually lacks all such important information. But that does not mean that a blogger will have to restrict his/her blog posts. From time to time they have proven their mettle by providing an unbiased opinion on any matter. Bloggers have strongly raised their views on highly sensitive matters as well. They are hugely regarded as legitimate news gatherers. Bloggers are not pulled down by any constraints and are fiercely independent. In fact these days many people are turning to their blog posts to know the true story.

A blogger has every right to free speech, just like any other normal human. There have been instances wherein they face humiliation. They are battered and bullied with frivolous accusations of copyright infringement, defamation suits, etc. A blogger must be aware of his rights and privileges. The EFF has laid down the following points which have to be considered seriously:

  • Bloggers can become journalists and journalists can blog- The legal issue of providing journalist privileges to them has not been resolved till date. The EFF is working to bring legal recognition for the bloggers just like the journalists have. Even if they are a journalist he/she is entitled to rights and privileges.
  • Right to speech- The EFF is also advocating for the protection of bloggers from abuses, threats and frivolous suits for copyright infringement, etc. He should have the right to voice his/her views and opinions freely without any threats and abuses.
  • Right to stay anonymous- A blogger has the basic right to remain anonymous. He/she has every right to keep his/her identity a secret if desired. Moreover, he/she should not be forced to reveal the identity against their wishes. The EFF continues to fight for the blogger’s right to anonymous speech.
  • Right to post political viewpoints- Many times a person blogging about election matters is gagged. The EFF has been trying hard to remove any such gag orders from being enforced.
  • It’s a long road ahead and much struggle will be there, indeed, but a time will come when the bloggers will be no longer treated as pariah whenever they bring forth the harsh truths.

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